Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Royal "WE" - hahahahaha!


Boothby Coat of Arms from Debret's Peerage 

I have been missing in action from this blog because I have fallen down the rabbit hole... I have been researching my family's roots, with an eye toward writing a substantial piece based around an idea I have... but of course, I have to complicate everything and come up with some big sprawling epic story so it may never come to fruition.  Still, it's fascinating to find out that my father was NOT telling one of his tall tales when he claimed that his side of the family descended from many kings and princes, going back to Charlemagne and beyond!  Yes, people, my blood is a very, very, very diluted shade of palest blue! Time to kiss my ring! HA!

 I find this somehow very amusing, as I have always claimed that I come from "sturdy peasant stock" - which for the most part, I am sure that I do.   Still, since one of my ancestors was Lord Chief Justice of all of England in the middle ages, and another was King of Leinster in Ireland, I have become obsessed with reading up on medieval England and Ireland... so that makes it hard to find time to post regularly on THIS blog. But maybe that's all for the best.  The whole point of setting this page up was to get me back to writing regularly... but every good writer has to do enormous amounts of reading - and that's what I have been doing. Maybe I will write some great historical novel.  At least doing all of this research will keep me some of my gray matter from completely atrophying.  And I have to say, it's really fun to find out where your family comes from!

It's amazing to live in the age of the internet - and Prime - so that much of the information I need is never more than a keystroke or a 2-day UPS delivery period away.  Still, I think I may just have to find a way to get myself over to the lands of my ancestors and do some digging around in older "source materials"... who knows what I may find? For now, I will have to content myself with my background reading, and there aren't enough hours in the day to read everything I have already dug up.  So back down the rabbit hole "we" go!

Ancient la Zouche coat of Arms - my ancestor Lucie de la Zouche had the bluest of blue blood...

Ashby la Zouche castle ruins

The coat of arms of the ancient de Greene family - from which I directly decend: 

1 comment:

  1. I, too, directly descend from the LaZouche and De Greene De Bokoton lines and am up at 1:11 a.m. right now because I can't drag myself from this rabbit hole! Interestingly, I was also told we came from peasants and sturdy stock. It wasn't until about ten years ago that I learned the truth about our history. Neat stuff!
