Sunday, September 2, 2012

It's too beautiful...

IT'S TOO BEAUTIFUL TO SIT INDOORS WRITING I have brought my laptop outside where I can feel the breeze, see the sunlight glinting off the ever-changing ocean, and hear the waves crashing.  The tide is in so there are no surfers in the water, but they will be back later this afternoon when conditions improve.  I have been reading voraciously and mulling over ideas I have for a long piece I would like to write... consequently, this little old blog has not been a priority, but since the weather gods are smiling, I think if I plop myself at this table under an umbrella, maybe I will have something worth posting.

... and just now my daughter has come out onto the deck to ask if I will come inside on this gorgeous day to watch a television show with her.  I sigh loudly inside, but I know better than to do so audibly.  Chloe is 14... and it's still something of a miracle that she asks me to join her in any kind of activity - so even tho' she is asking me to stop writing to go indoors into a darkened, air conditioned room on a spectacular sunny day, I am going to fold up this laptop and go.  I know my chances at closeness with my daughter are limited.  I won't squander a moment of these dwindling days of her need for me.  So ciao for now, my writing muse.  I trust you will return tomorrow... or at least the next time the fog rolls in.

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